Individual who represents the insurance company and negotiates the settlement of your Bodily Injury case.
Damage to your body, including pain and suffering, after an accident.
Person making a claim.
Person who is neutral in deciding your workers' compensation claim (like a judge).
Person being sued in court.
Injury suffered by a plaintiff while in a private residence, business or public place.
Company who represents the insured.
Person(s) who has a policy with the insurance company.
Optional coverage to pay medical bills provided by the Plaintiff's automobile insurance company.
Person suing the Defendant in court.
Document giving permission to one person to handle the affairs of another.
Damage to your vehicle, van or motorcycle.
Document provided by the Insurance Company that ends your claim.
Check from the Insurance Company for the total amount for which the claim is settled.
Claim made through your Insurance Company to get additional compensation when the Defendant does not have enough insurance coverage to compensate you for your injuries.
Claim made through your Insurance Company to get compensation when the Defendant does not have any insurance coverage to compensate you for your injuries.
Claim made when you are hurt at work.
We'd love to hear from you! Call our friendly team at (203) 756-7408.
Contact Information
Phone: (203) 756-7408
Fax: (203) 596-7358
255 Bank Street, Suite 2B, Waterbury, CT 06702
Business Hours
Office closed for lunch from 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Notary Public
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