$475,000.00 Pedestrian Settlement: Client was struck by a school bus when walking in a crosswalk and suffered a fractured left arm, requiring surgery.
$440,000.00 Motor Vehicle Settlement: Client suffered a lower arm fracture that required surgery and resulted in permanent scarring after another vehicle made a left-hand turn in front of them.
$295,000.00 Motor Vehicle Settlement: Client was rear-ended by another vehicle and required surgery to his neck and shoulder. The vehicle that rear-ended him the client was traveling less than 5 miles per hour at the time of the collision.
$175,000.00 Fall Down Settlement: Client slipped and fell on snow and ice at his apartment complex and broke his ankle, requiring surgery.
$162,500.00 Motor Vehicle Settlement: Client was riding an electric scooter and she was struck by a car, knocking her to the ground and causing her to suffer a fractured left arm, requiring surgery.
$150,000.00 Uninsured Motor Vehicle Settlement: Client was run off the road by an unknown and evading vehicle, so a claim was made through the client's own auto policy. They had surgery to their shoulder prior to the accident, and required additional surgery to their shoulder after the accident.
$150,000.00 Motor Vehicle Settlement: Client was a passenger in a motor vehicle and suffered a permanent injury to their neck. Surgery was recommended, but the client never had surgery.
$150,000.00 Dog Bite: Client was bit by a Rottweiler on his inner thigh, which will result in permanent scarring.
$135,000.00 Motor Vehicle Settlement: Client was involved in a motor vehicle accident and was claiming injuries to body parts that they had surgery on prior to the collision. We successfully claimed that the injuries were made worse from the new collision.
$125,000.00 Motor Vehicle Settlement: Client was rear-ended at low speeds and there was no visible damage to her vehicle, but ultimately had surgery to their neck.
$100,000.00 Motor Vehicle Settlement: Client was a passenger in a motor vehicle that crashed at a high rate of speed. They sustained a fractured leg. Our office obtained the maximum policy amounts within several months following the accident without the need for any litigation.
$100,000.00 Pedestrian Settlement: Client was struck by a motor vehicle as a pedestrian in the roadway. Client was not in a crosswalk and was cited by police for their injuries, but we recovered the full liability policy on her behalf. Client suffered a non-surgical fracture to their leg.
$100,000.00 Motorcycle Accident: Client was riding a motorcycle and was cut off by another car. The client suffered a fractured femur, requiring surgery. The full policy limits were paid less than 2 weeks after the injury without the need of filing a lawsuit.
$100,000.00 Motorcycle Accident: Client was riding a motorcycle and a car struck the client, causing a fractured knee, requiring surgery. The full policy limits were paid less than 3 weeks after the injury without the need of filing a lawsuit.
$90,000.00 Dog Bite Settlement: Client was bit on the calf and had permanent scarring as a result.
$75,000.00 Underinsured Motorist Settlement: Client was riding his motorcycle and was struck by another car. Client suffered several fractured ribs and a tear in their shoulder. The full policy limits of the client’s underinsured motorist policy were paid without having to file a lawsuit.
$75,000.00 Underinsured Motorist Settlement: Client was struck by another vehicle, which fled the scene. Client sustained a tear in their knee, which required surgery. The full policy limits of the client’s underinsured motorist policy were paid without having to file a lawsuit.
$50,000.00 Pedestrian Settlement: Client was crossing the street and was struck by a turning vehicle. We obtained the maximum policy amounts within a few weeks of the accident without a single medical bill. We obtained the policy with only the discharge paperwork from the hospital.
We'd love to hear from you! Call our friendly team at (203) 756-7408.
Contact Information
Phone: (203) 756-7408
Fax: (203) 596-7358
Email: iacruz@defronzolaw.com
255 Bank Street, Suite 2B, Waterbury, CT 06702
Business Hours
Office closed for lunch from 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Notary Public
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